Catholic Men, Read Your Bible Daily

It is second nature to me to read my Bible regularly, but as I connect with Catholic men around this country I do seem to run into several guys who aren’t big Bible readers.  That has to change, guys.Sacred Scripture is God’s great gift to us.  Scripture is not a book so much as it is a place where we encounter the Living God.  In the pages of the Bible, our Faith is brought to life in the lives and teachings of people just like you and me.  What’s more, the Bible contains the recorded words of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  The Bible is important.  We cannot do without it.  Thanks be to God for the marvelous and miraculous gift of the Bible through His Church.

I’m teaching a class right now to assist catechists with their understanding of the Bible.  Maybe in the future I’ll be able to create webinars to help others online, but for now I’m kinda limited on resources.  However, I can do two things for you today.

1.) I invite you to contact me with questions you have about Sacred Scripture, Bible study, or really anything you want to discuss.  Contact me anytime using this link.

2.) I challenge you to begin a daily pattern of Bible reading and prayer.  Below are my instructions and challenge for the next 30 days.

Near the middle of your Bible is a book called Proverbs.  It is written as poetry and it is given as a means of wisdom literature.  In other words, through Proverbs, you are given practical instruction on faithful living.  Proverbs is divided into 31 chapters.  It just so happens that our calendars typically have months that are 30 or 31 days long.  Your challenge is to read Proverbs for the next 31 days, one chapter per day.  Simply read the chapter that corresponds to the day of the month.  So, today you need to read Proverbs 3.  Get it?  Good.

Here’s how I want you to approach the text.  It will take you about 5-10 minutes.

  1. Know that Proverbs is part of God’s Word, the Bible.  It is preserved for you so that you may engage God and know Him more intimately.
  2. Begin with a short prayer.  In normal words, just ask God to help you better know Him through this time in the Bible.
  3. Read through the chapter twice.  First aloud, then silently.  This will help it stick in your brain.
  4. Pick ONE proverb from the chapter you just read that you can think about from time to time during the day.
  5. Thank God for the time together and take some time during the rest of the day to stop and remember that proverb.

It’s easy to follow these steps, and you’re going to be amazed at what you remember (and learn) as you do this.

Here is what I’m going to think on today.  Proverbs 3:7-8

Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord, and turn away from evil.
It will be healing to your flesh and refreshment to your bones.

That’s it.  Good luck.  Contact me if you have questions.  Heck, contact me anyway, I want to know you and pray for you.

If you take my challenge, why not make a comment below and let me pray for you as you start a daily time with God.

About Tactical Catholic

Catholic husband, dad, and convert to the Catholic Faith. A Catholic layman doing his part to strengthen Catholic men for their vocation.

Posted on July 3, 2014, in Catholic Bible Study, Catholic Community, Catholic Manliness, Prayer, The Bible and tagged , , , . Bookmark the permalink. 4 Comments.

  1. great advice! I saw your blog on topcatholicblogs, my new blog is on there also


  1. Pingback: Catholic Men, Read Your Bible Daily « Tactical Catholic | Daily Goodness

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